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Dr. Charles Vance was the Senior Pastor of EMPOWERED CHURCH in Barboursville, WV for 28 Years. Before that, he was a licensed general contractor specializing in upscale homes for over 20 years. Presently he is encouraging pastors by mentoring them in the Word and church growth.  He is traveling and speaking in various churches and conferences. 

After years of ministry administration, teaching, and preaching, Charles became the full-time pastor of EMPOWERED CHURCH in 1994. In the same year, God did a miraculous healing in his body - he was healed of lymphoma. Since that time, God has healed hundreds through EMPOWERED MINISTRIES.

Other interesting facts...
*He's the host and executive producer of the EMPOWERED Television Broadcast, airing around the world by internet and on various television networks and stations.  He has hosted and produced over 12,000 television programs.

*He has been a guest speaker for Bishop T.D. Jakes, Dr. Mike Murdock, Bishop Don Meares, and Dr. T.L. Lowry and a guest on Marcus and Joni Lamb's Celebration on Daystar and Sid Roth's "It's Supernatural" in addition to numerous churches and conferences around the world.

*He's a teacher and conference speaker whose bold and practical style of teaching and preaching is setting people free from the crippling effects of religious tradition.

*He is a successful businessman and investor, as well as an author of four books: Retaining What You Receive, Beyond Faith...Believing, The Supernatural Greenhouse, and his autobiography, How I Beat the Odds.

Dr. Charles Vance

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